Even though I'm quite old, I'm just young enough to have mostly missed the golden age of drive-in cinema. I probably got to watch a few movies from the seat of a car, but I only remember one - Flashdance!
I have no idea how I ended up being taken to watch Flashdance. I was far too young and didn't know enough about the world or about myself to have a chance at meaningfully relating to the plot.
But for some reason it worked. The romantic tale of personal ambition, the crackling sounds of the parking lot loudspeakers, the cool breeze coming in through the open car windows ... got out of me this very special feeling. Goosebumps! Butterflies! I'll never forget it.
Years later I tried to recreate the experience and watched Flashdance on DVD. It didn't do it for me. It's just not a very good movie.
But one thing that does still work reliably for me is listening to the theme song. Goosebumps! Butterflies! What a feeling!