If there’s any reason I still remember anything at all despite my advanced age it is that I’m an obsessive hoarder and reviewer of flashcards.
To make it easier to bootstrap new decks from things I read and highlight, I created a little GPT wrapper that reads the text and extracts a nice set of flashcards from it. I find it useful, and I’m now sharing it with you as a dump of poorly-written and undocumented code at github.com/intellectronica/mkflashcards, and as a web app you can use yourself (with your own API key) at huggingface.co/spaces/intellectronica/mkflashcards.
It looks like this:
Paste your API key
Paste some text (haven’t tried with complete books yet but otherwise some fairly long texts work fine)
Decide how many flashcards you want to generate
Add a few tags (separated by space, like “science religion magic“) if you want, or leave blank if not
Click “Generate Flashcards”
Wait a bit and you’ll get a bunch of flashcards, in Markdown (formatted for use with Mochi, but easy to adapt to other flashcard programs)
P.S. I don’t promise to invest in this much more than is necessary for my own use, but happy to review pull requests.